Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Good Old Summertime!

I've not been so good about posting daily. Summer has that effect on me. I get kind of lazy-dazy and one day flows into another. I'm lousy without a routine.

Another reason is that I've been pouring my heart into this Power Point presentation that I have to give Monday for an interview. I do long term subbing and the next gig is for a whole year. It's in a district that I've long-termed in 3 times (total 2 years altogether) and yet they still make me jump through hoops each time. C'mon guys....either you like me or you don't!

And since Ive never actually created a Power Point presentation (I've shown 'em - that's easy....just click a mouse) it's been an ordeal. But I will say I've been having fun with all the bells and whistles and so far it's looking pretty polished.

As for the *ahem* diet....not going too well. I fluctuate between extremely healthy eating and really lousy eating. Remember I said I was an "all or nothin" gal? I've had a really lousy sore throat for almost a week now so I'm not sleeping very well. I'm up and down all night getting water to soothe it. And lack of sleep makes you crave carbs. excuse.

But I have been getting in some good exercise and lots of veggies. I can't wait to stop visiting the farmer's market and start picking my own! The garden is doing great - the beets are ready to pick as well as some types of peppers. The zucchini is blossoming and the corn is thigh high...they knee high by the 4th of July...well we missed that! The peas didn't fare too well but the garlic is ready to be harvested and the lettuce is good for picking now too. The tomatoes are still green though. I'm itching for them! I just love picking a warm ripe one right off the vine and eating it right smack there in the garden. Nothing better! The beans and cukes are starting too!

The berries on the other hand are fading fast. The blackberries are done. The birds are fighting me for the remainder of the blueberries and I think I'll let them win. My freezer's full for now.

Gosh there's nothing like summertime, is there? Last night we had a little campfire and then watched the fireflies for a while. Strange though...we didn't hear the peepers like we usually do. I don't know if that's a sign of summer waning or if it's just been so dry. It's about this time I start subconsciously counting the weeks we have left. In our parts once September comes the nights get brisk and it's a fairly quick slide into fall. Another great season - but it can never top Summer!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Summertime has got to be my favorite time as well. Glad that you are enjoying things - you'll get back on track when you're ready. :) What I wouldn't give for a campfire. Take care and enjoy!