Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Did It!

Yesterday was a busy day. Lots of errands and a spot in between to meet middle daughter for lunch at a cute little place that she frequents often with her laptop. She's writing a book while she's not doing her PR work at a local Children's Hospital. I was good. Ordered half a turkey sandwich and a cup of tomato soup. Enjoyed a nice long chat with my sweet daughter too!

The night before we went out to dinner with the in-laws and I was not so good. I ordered a fish fry. I know!! But I cut everything in half and took the other half home with me. Normally I would've eaten the entire thing even if it meant rolling myself out the restaurant door and being stuffed into the car. So I guess it was a step in the right direction. Sort of. I ate the other half for dinner last night. I got two meals out of one. Albeit not the greatest food choices. But I'm working on that. At least the portion control is improving.

Also - I did my Biggest Loser Workout! It wasn't as bad as I thought. And guess what? I broke a sweat! And that was without even doing the cardio portion. I did the 5 minute warm-up, the 10 minute flexibility work out, the 10 minute body sculpting for women and the 5 minute cool down. The hardest part was the lunges - and there were lots of them! The workout went by quickly though! My goal now is to do this 3 times weekly and work up to 5. I'll do my arm weights in between as the BL workout seems to focus on the lower part of the body so far. I'll incorporate the cardio in there soon. Not yet though. Baby steps.....

Has anyone else dusted off theirs yet? Done the cardio part? The trainers are promising that my lower half will get buff! I'm gonna' hold them to it!


Hanlie said...

Well done, Lora! See, it wasn't so bad! I'm really proud of you.

I am so unfit I sweat when doing Pilates!

Heather said...

well your review of the BL dvd makes me want to dust mine off and try it.

great job with the portion control..I did that last night with a cheeseburger. not the best thign to eat, but I cut it in half and the took the other half home to eat another night. in the past I would have eaten the whole thing!

Lidian said...

Good for you - that sounds great! You did really well cutting that meal in half, I will have to try that.

Kathy said...

Go ahead and congratulate yourself for eating half of something you really wanted...that's so great. No body said we had to eat grass clippings and sticks (my husband's description of Fiber-One!) all the time!

Anonymous said...

Only eating half the fish fry meal and doing a good work-out: those are two great victories!

TitanThirteen said...

Aaawww i want a biggest loser workout thing too!

You've done great! And don't beat yourself up over that fried meal. You are right, you got two meals in one, instead of one meal stuffing yourself.
Pat yourself on the back! :o)

Diana Swallow said...

I'm really proud of you for starting a workout routine and for setting goals, 3 days a week is a great start. I can't do the cardio portion of that one yet, too much jumping around for my body. I do love the functional flexibility parts of it. I get my cardio from outside walking/jogging (and yes, you'll get there one day soon), from Walk Away the Pounds and an exercise bike.

Don't beat yourself up over the fried fish, this is a lifestyle not a diet. You did a great job with portion control too!!

I'm so proud of you and so happy for the great changes you are making in your life!

RunningNan said...

I want to get the biggest loser work out! That is one reason I want a TV for my basement because I'm always so fearful of jumping on my floor with nothing to catch my fall. It's always been a fear of mine!

I'm new to your blog, so I have some reading to do today! I found you on Scale Junkie.. I just love her!

Grumpy Chair said...

You did awesome on splitting the fried fish dish into two servings. Also making a great choice for lunch with your daughter.

I love my BL2 workout (though not to crazy about the girl trainer - I'm a Bob gal).

I usually do the bootcamp, aerobics and women's strength training in a session (I think about 45 minutes). I'm very sore the next day.

pointing the weigh said...

I'd say that you did well cutting the meal in half.

I want, no, MUST! Get on and do an exercise DVD regularly, yeah I'm using the Leg Master but I need to do an all over body workout too. I was thinking of getting into my Rosemary Conley Salsasize, it's really good and I enjoy it which is the first step....enjoyng the exercise.

Okay, lets both aim to do an exercise DVD 3 times per week eh?

Hugs xx

Pattie said...

Way yo go, Lora!! I'm struggling to start exercise again, and you've inspired me!

And btw: I'm 50, too. Yay for us old broads!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Lora. Small steps make the changes stick. You're doing awesome. If you wanted to keep those arm weights out, just hold them while you do those lunges! You'll be surprised!

*ccc* said...

OOOh, I'm intrigued by the sound of this BL workout...I love the show too but can't make myself get the DVD (And I use the "if my husband sees me doing this..." excuse too!)

Congrats on dusting it off, getting moving and cutting your dinner in half. That's some good stuff right there on your part!

Christine said...

Will have to dust off my DVD. Sounds like a good one to me. I have the first DVD and have done that several times in the past - ouch is all that I can say. Forgot that I had some of those muscles. :)