Saturday, December 15, 2007

Getting Ready for the Storm!

Tonight - Third Christmas party of the season. And we're supposed to get hit with a Nor'easter that promises to leave 20 inches of snow before it's done. Thankfully the party is very close to home. It's to be held at a Bed & Breakfast Inn on the Erie Canal so at least if we get snowed in there'll be a place to sleep! Even my daughter in Massachusetts called this morning to say they were hunkering down to wait it out.

Lately the winters in upstate NY have been relatively mild. We've become spoiled I guess. Used to be...storms like this were the norm at least a few times each winter. Heck - last year I don't think we even ever shoveled the driveway. Like I said...complacency had settled in and now reality has come back to remind us what winter is all about. (I think I've mentioned before - a LOT - that I hate snow.) It's cold. It's wet. It messes your hair and shoes and it's ugly in the spring when it's all dirty and piled up along the edges of the road trying to melt. Sorry to all you skiers and snowmobilers and lovers all that is white and fluffy. I just don't like it!

So I'm already counting down the days till spring. It's blogger pal Sharon who lives in Australia, has the opposite weather we have here! I remember when we were dragging out the pool toys - they were dragging out their mittens and boots. And now that we are out shoveling our walks - they are fighting flies and wearing shorts! Which goes to show you - you don't need snow for Christmas. Yep. I could live without it.

As for the *ahem* diet - or lack thereof....I'm into the let's start this thing in January mentality which is a really dangerous thing because a lot can happen between now and then - even if it is only 2 weeks away! I've been eating up a storm (as I've noticed many of us are right now) and I guess it's a seasonal thing. Although it always has been an easy time for me in the past. Lately every season has been an uphill battle. With no job to go to - there has been no routine in my life. And kiddos - I need routine. I've got about as much backbone as a jellyfish and I need to be told what to do and when to do it. Given to my own devices - I tend to do whatever I want. Which lately has been - EAT!

So I'm feeling particularly pudgy today and not looking forward to donning a pair of pantyhose (shapers of course!) and some high heels tonight. But I I will. And tonight when I walk into the party - I'll automatically scope out someone bigger than me (to make sure I'm not the biggest) and then scope out all the skinny ones to see what I could be wearing if I was skinny too. It's such a merciless game. I'm sick of playing it. Thankfully after that's done I'll kick back and enjoy myself and catch up with old friends and maybe make some new. And probably forget to keep my gut sucked in and hope no one takes any candid pictures!

To those in this region - stay warm! To those where it IS fair!


Christine said...

I am trying to stay on track until my week long Christmas buffet begins. It's really hard though - but I kinda have it in my head that if I behave now then I am allowed to eat half the pan of my mothers peanut butter marshmallow squares. :)

I do believe that the 2 weeks ahead will be 2 of the toughest weeks thus far.

Take care!

TitanThirteen said...

I really like the santa/nativity pic in the post before this.
And i like the snowy pic on this post. The power pole looks like a cross. "The cross at the centre of the storm" :o)

Lora said...

I didn't notice the're right!