Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Hearts & Flowers Day!

February 14th can be the most wonderful day for some - and the worst for others. It all depends on if you have a sweetie to share it with. I've been in both places. Truthfully I think the day puts a lot of pressure on the male half of the species as they are forced to be romantic which does not always come naturally. (If you're married to one who has the romance gene - God bless you ~ if not ~ well...then God bless you too!)

I awoke this morning to a computer generated note saying Happy Valentine's Day - propped up against the coffee make with two bags of gourmet coffee. There was a time this would've made me blow a gasket. Very un-romantic. Used to be only a candle lit diner at a swanky place and a fancy card professing my sweetheart's undying devotion to me (and some flowers and jewelry of course) would suffice. As the years have progressed I've realized that it's the little things that matter most. Maybe because I lost my first husband too young and I shudder now when I think of the times I got angry because he wasn't romantic enough. Or that his gifts were...shall we say - less than stellar. Once I got a window fan. Another time I got a lawn chair. He paid. But now looking back - it was the gestures that came on days when it wasn't required - that meant the most. And those far superceeded one day on the calendar that the Hallmark company has claimed as its own.

Often times present hubby will walk through the door with flowers for no other reason than he saw them and thought of me. That means a lot. The perfuntory bouquet of roses that is a staple on this day of days is nice but not so necessary to me anymore. You see - the coffee (while not up there with jewelry and chocolates) was sweet because he knows I'm trying to lose weight and he figured the decedant aroma of caramel and vanilla and chocolate in the coffee (without the added calories) would make me happy without making me fat. And it did!

Ah...there's no real point to this post - except to say I hope you all have a wonderful day today. Honey or no honey. It's a day if for nothing else - to tell someone how much they mean to you.

And you guys mean the world to me!

ps...I did get some roses too. A few days ago. He wanted to "beat the rush." What a guy.


Honi said...

i was pleasantly treated to a wonderful bouquet of flowers wrapped in purple paper with a purple ribbon ( my husband knows me well lol) he brought them to my office... made my day.,.. of course what really makes my day is seeing his handsome face .. have a sweet day!

Kathy said...

The best kind of guy to have, huh?

Felicia said...

Stopping by to wish you a Happy Valentines Day!!


Grumpy Chair said...

I agree with you, it either is a great day for some and loathsome for others.

I got a $50 gift card to Starbucks! Score!!

I really would prefer my hubby not buy overpriced flowers though he did pick up a nice bouquet at the grocery store. I also would prefer he not buy me jewelry because (I do love him) but it would be cheap!

Anonymous said...

I also get my flowers (not roses) before the time, to beat the rush!

Enjoy your coffee!

Heather said...

that is so true! it is most definitely the little things that matter most. honestly, I care more about the fact that my boyfriend fixes my car or changes my oil, or stops over to fix something in my apt than some flowers that will die in a week. but he still sends the flowers too!