Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Good Day!

Today has been a productive day! I was able to glean a good bunch of peaches from an old peach tree that is growing wild in the hedge row. They're small, but sweet. It was nice to be out in the morning sun and as I ambled through the edge of the woods I spied a clearing where the kids used to have a "camp site" when they were little. The big old round sand stones are still pretty much in a circle where they left them so many years ago. I never let them make a real fire (!) but kids are pretty good at pretending. I paused for a few minutes to bask in the sunshine that was peeking through the trees and remember wistfully...how fast they grow up.

The thistles are starting to pop up and I made a mental note to go out and grab some this fall. I don't know what for....every year I think I'm going to do something with them...but I never do. Maybe paint them gold and make a miniature Christmas tree or something. Perhaps Martha Stewart will have some ideas. (Another mental note ~ pick up a Martha Stewart magazine.)

I also came across a lone apple tree left over from the remnant of an orchard that used to belong to the old farm next door. They actually look pretty big right now, smooth and no worm holes (yet) so I made another mental note to pick some when they ripen a little more.

Hubby brought some big zucchinis home from the garden at the other house last night so I spent the better part of the afternoon making zucchini bread. I'll bring a loaf to the lake this weekend and freeze the rest to savor on a winter afternoon with a cup of coffee if someone should come to call.

I'm getting ready to head out for a walk after I finish this post. (Part of that daily exercise I've incorporated into this week's challenge.) Speaking of which - is going quite well! The water has become almost habit and I actually crave it now. I don't think about fast food anymore. With the garden coming into production phase - there's no lacking of fresh veggies. And the fruit is so tasty this time of year that I'm craving that too. The exercise is going to be the hardest thing for me. Because if I miss a day I tend to want to throw in the towel as a day becomes two...then three... I need to work on that all or nothing mentality. I've lost the 7 pounds that I regained over the past few months and my shorts are fitting better than they have all summer.

On the family front....a few more details since this is pretty much an anonymous blog anyway.... my sister just found out that her son is using heroin. He's 20 and has had some rough times these past few years. He did a stint in rehab for pot and alcohol but relapsed. This time the family is staging an intervention tomorrow evening. She has things all lined up for him to go to a place called "Teen Challenge" which will (Lord willing) help him get on the right track and pull his life together.

Please keep us all in prayer. That we say the right things and that he receives what we're saying with love and understanding.

I have a job interview tomorrow for another *sigh* long term sub position. I need the money...but would much rather have something permanent that I can count on in the winter months when hubby's business slows down to almost a halt. And who knows if I'll even get this job?? (more prayers please?)

Okay - I need to get my loaves out of the oven and my exercise underway! A good day to all and thanks for the warm thoughts.

Ooh! And don't forget about the give away!


new*me said...

It's amazing how easy it is to eat right, when the right foods are there! I love it when my fridge is stocked with healthy things ;)

Unknown said...

Awwww, prayers all the way around for you guys!

MargieAnne said...

Do hope your nephew is willing to go to Teen Challenge. David Wilkinson's books had a huge impact on my life. The Cross & The Switchblade is part of my journey to knowing Jesus. I have a son who has problems .... not heroin and hopefully he remains drug free after a huge scare a few years ago. It's no fun when there are these kind of problems in a family.


Pattie said...

Oh Lora, I'm sorry to hear about your nephew. Heavens, this life is sure filled with challenges, for so many of us, isn’t it? I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

Thanks for sharing your harvest day with us. This is definitely my favorite time of year! And even though I didn’t ‘harvest’ them, I’m off to make banana bread!

Anonymous said...


that's one tough drug but an intervention and the *love* that comes from it is a first step.


Chubby Chick said...

Peaches, apples, zucchini... sounds like heaven to me!

The mention of your kids building campfires out of stones reminded me of my own childhood. hehe

Sending prayers your way! :)

grammy said...

I have heard good things about teen challenge. Prayers go out. I have some zucchini too but have been afraid to make it because I don't trust myself not to eat to much of the yummy stuff (O:

TitanThirteen said...

Nothing quite like your own home grown produce!!
Sorry to read about the heroin problem.
I'm with Margieanne, The cross and the switchblade is awesome!
Unfortunatly i see me own 16yo going down the drug lifestyle. Even though we are barely even on speaking terms, she seems hell bent on trying whatever is in hewr path :o/

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking me a long on your walk down memory lane. I could just imagine the beauty and peace you felt. I noticed a tree gaining some orange color today, I am looking forward to autumn and all the sights and smells that come along.

My heart goes out to your nephew and family...addiction of any kind is vicious. Many prayers!

Hugs, Mel

Diana Swallow said...

Lora, I'm sending good thoughts to your nephew. Drug use/abuse can destroy so many lives. I think I've told you that I have a sister who struggles with drug addition so I know what a toll it takes on them and the family. Big hugs coming your way.

Now about those peaches...I've been eating at least one peach every day and loving them so much, I'm kinda jealous of your big bushel of them and next up apples.

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