Thursday, May 8, 2008

Here Comes Summer!

I think with the renewal of spring and the fast approaching summer (at least for those of us in the U.S.) we are all getting a shot of "go get 'em" in blog land. From what I've been reading anyway! For those of our friends that are facing winter soon - let's keep encouraging them not to give in to the "stay inside and eat comfort food" syndrome. (I know it well.....)

And now - speaking of summer. SUMMER! I love it! The fresh air...the sunshine....the flowers....the birds....! But with summer also comes the shorts....the sleeveless tops....the *gasp* bathing suits!

For the past 8 years or so - when the weight really starting creeping on - I always decided in January that I would go on a diet and look great by the time June rolled around. Then when June finally got here I would realize that I had given up my diet mid-January. I would also realize (when I got the bin of summer clothes out of storage) that I'd actually gained weight and have to go out and get new shorts. I ballooned from a size 12 to an 18 in less than a decade. Swimsuit shopping was the pits. It has been a very vicious cycle.

So what is going to make the summer of '08 any different? For one - the running program and the faithfulness I've had to my weight lifting. I can see and feel the difference in my arms. And I've amazed myself at the ease to which this running thing has been happening.

I think the Couch to 5K plan is the best thing happening! When I first heard about it I was skeptical. Because it was after all - running! And I can't think of anything I hate worse than running. Except maybe liver. Or shopping for a bathing suit.

So when a few of my blog friends mentioned it - I checked it out and then sat it on the back burner to think about for a while. Then my sister & started talking about merits of running (she lost a ton about 10 years ago running) and we decided we'd give it a try. knowing that she's doing it too has kept me motivated.

The best thing about this program is it eases you into running. Too often we jump into something - overdo it and then quit because it's too hard. But this time I didn't quit. Because it wasn't hard! I'll admit- after the first two runs my body rebelled like crazy and I was in PAIN! But what I realized quickly (thanks to Nan ) was that I need the proper footwear - which turned out to make ALL the difference in the world.

I've noticed that my body isn't aching as much as it always does. (I'm I was believing that I was supposed to ache all the time.) WRONG! My poor body was just so out of shape that it was always stiff. SO now - since I've been running (and lest you think I'm running marathons here - I'm still in the first weeks of this) I feel so much better! I ache LESS! And I feel better mentally too. And I'm more aware of what I put into my mouth because food is seeming more like fuel instead of entertainment.

I would encourage any of you that are looking for a way to jump start, enhance or speed up your weight loss efforts to at least look into it. But I must warn you - invest in a good pair of running shoes. They don't have to be top of the line. I got mine on sale (normally $69 - got 'em for $37.) But I did some research to see which kind I needed for the way I run. (Yes...we all run differently.)

So that's my speech for today.

I'm hoping when I get that summer bin out of storage - that I'll have to go shopping yet again for new shorts. Only this time - smaller ones!


RunningNan said...

Yay! I loved the c25k. It really made me feel like I was accomplishing something. Now, I'm addicted, and it isn't even about the weight loss. It's about the runners high!

RunningNan said...

Oh, and by the way, has anyone told you lately that you rock?

Hanlie said...

Even as a fat person I prefer summer clothes to winter clothes. I can wear cool flowing skirts and tops, while in winter it's all layered and I end up feeling like the Michelin man. Way to go on the smaller shorts!

Erin said...

That's awesome I've been considering doing the C25k for a while, but haven't jumped in yet. I need to get the podcasts and load them into my player and see how that works!

Felicia said...

I love Summer now also!! I never thought I would say that lol. I am enjoying Spring but so ready for warm weather and the pool!!

Sounds like you are doing AWESOME!!


Andrew is getting fit said...

C25K rocks! I started in January this year and now I'm regularly running over 10K, I've lost 45 pounds and I'm in my 3rd 5K race this weekend!

Manuela said...

It's so true about running--I'm noticing a difference after 6 weeks.

Thanks for the tips on shoes. Both you and Nan have been a fount of information. We have a good store that measures and fits you for running shoes, I just need to get there. These are good but I'd like to see what they have to say.

(I can't wait to fit into my shorts, the bathing suit can wait for July :) )

Grumpy Chair said...

I was the same way - going to be bathing suit ready by Memorial Day only to find out I had gained more and more weight.

You are doing so great with the running. I predict smaller shorts in your future come June.

Diana Swallow said...

I love that you're getting out there and running! The right shoes make all the difference. I searched for weeks and did so much research to find the right shoe for me. They are worth every penny. Running Nan told me to keep track of the miles you put on your shoes too because they have a lifespan.

RunningNan said...

a big big hug!!!

Teale said...

I did week 1 of the program back in March, but then I went on vacation & when I returned, I didn't pick back up on the running. I think getting a new pair of shoes might be good for me & incentive to get back out there:)