Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back home...Sort of.

I completed day 2/week 3 on my Cto5k regime. The flatter ground made things easier and after the first round (which is always the toughest as it seems I'm still warming up when the running starts) I did fine. I had to lengthen the route a bit which I anticipate happening as the next few weeks pass. I'm still looking at a week from Friday and wondering how I'll ever do 20 minutes straight running. We shall see....

Backing up a bit - my heart is still at the lake. It's always hard to leave. There's such a peacefulness there that envelops you as soon you drive up the dirt road that leads to the cottage. Our arrival routine never varies. We lug the coolers and other essentials down the stairs. Hubby flips on the pump switch and the hot water tank while I open up all the windows and slip in a Benny Goodman CD. Big band music is called "Cottage Music" in our family.

The three journals that sit on a table in the living room area are filled with memories of years gone by and in the earlier years there are numerous entries by my kids - bemoaning the Benny Goodman CD. Now they look for it when they arrive!

We have another tradition at the lake (funny how something done a certain number of times finds itself becoming a constant.) At a certain time of the day, just as the sun is lowering itself into the sky to make way for evening, it hits the water just right and casts ripples of light across the ceiling. We call it sparkle time and its arrival is announced by the ringing of a boat bell that hangs outside the kitchen.

My grandson who is 3 now, has accustomed himself to the ways of lake life and I am so happy that he will be an official "Lake Kid"! The girls weren't adopted into the clan until they were young teens - when we first bought the place.

Mr. Imanass, next door was a Lake Kid as were his parents. His grandparents were one of the first families on the lake so he somehow feels that gives him the right to tell everyone else what to do. He behaved this weekend. We ignored him-he ignored us. It worked out well. We used to be friendly with him and his wife. Until they took a chainsaw to our stairs. Long story. Suffice to say the guy is nuts.

So here I am at home. Still sorting through the laundry and finding pine needles stuck to socks and towels. And wishing I was there....with the sun casting sparkles across the ceiling as Benny croons in the background. Ah.... fourth of July. Can't get here soon enough!

Oh - and you're all invited anytime you want! Just south of the Finger Lakes in Upstate NY. But I must warn you - if you show up at my door - be prepared to jog around the lake with me!


Andrew is getting fit said...

It sounds really nice. Congrats on progressing with C25K as well. :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post, Lora. "Sparkle Time" sounds glorious. Taking note of such wondrous things makes our lives so much richer.

Erin said...

Sounds like a wonderful relaxing weekend. Family traditons are so important to me and it sounds like yours are great!

Happy Friday!

RunningNan said...

HAHA.. wouldn't you die if I showed up there ready to run! LOL.

Your post brought me back to my childhood days. I could cry!

Diana Swallow said...

So beautiful!! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, nutso neighbors and all! I'm looking forward to more photos all summer long!

RunningNan said...

Wow. it is a small world! Yes, Gates Mills butts up to the park I go to. It's so beautiful back there. We just drove through the other day on our way to the outlet mall! Where in Willoughby did she used to live?

TitanThirteen said...

That photo is awesome, and you look so happy and healthy!!

We wanna hear the chainsaw story.. lol