Well it's been an interesting 2 days in our household. Grand baby (he's 3 1/2) woke up Sunday night with the throw-ups. Which means he didn't go to day care Monday and Grammy (that's me) got to stay with him all day. He pretty much couched it most of the day and took a very long nap. Which meant I was confined to the house all day and couldn't run. I s'pose I could've when his mom got here, but at that point it was almost 6:00 and I figured I'd play catch up today. Except... the throw-ups were still here today.
Hubby was still home at 10:30 this morning so I geared up and asked him to keep an eye on our snookums while I snuck out for my run, but he had an appointment with a customer and had to leave. I should've asked first. So I did the next best thing. Since Mr. Upchuck hadn't projectiled on my sofa since around 8 AM I figured he was good for a walk. The weather was perfect and I was already sneakered up and ready to go anyway. So I strapped him into his stroller and we went for a 2 mile walk. After about the first 1/2 mile I decided that I would try running with the stroller. That was interesting. I could only do it one handed - it was too awkward to run behind it. I ran about 1/2 mile. It just wasn't runner friendly. And I felt kind of foolish. Like I was running to get somewhere quick instead of exercising. Although this kindly old gentelman who was washing his RV commented "Look at you - getting a double work out today!"
So I'm behind a day on the running. I'll definitely catch up tomorrow and aim for 21 minutes. Which is about 1.75 miles for me. I'm getting there. Slow but sure. I'm looking forward to being at the lake over the 4th of July and running with my daughter again. Memorial Day weekend I was huffing and puffing trying to do 5 minutes. Won't she be amazed that her ol' mama can run 4 times that now!
Right now, grand baby is napping and I need to do the last load of throw-up laundry. Gheesh...I thought those days were behind me! I'm going over to the new house to cook out with the hubby again tonight. The fireflies are just starting to make thier appearance and the nights have been beautiful for campfires. I love summer. Very, very much.
By the way - I just noticed the Google Ad on my side bar - for discreet affairs????? Don't know WHY they would put that on MY site - but believe me - I do NOT endorse that! hmmm....and as I go to post this I notce it's gone. Boy are they fast!