Last night I slept in my own bed for only the 2nd time in 10 days. In a few minutes I leave yet again to spend another night away. Tonight I'll be at the lake with my oldest daughter. But it's not exactly a pleasure trip. We're battening down the hatches for winter. You know....water off, antifreeze in drains, fridge emptied, can goods brought home, boats away, outdoor furniture stored.... I'm getting tired (and sad) just thinking about it.
Wasn't it just a short time ago that we were doing all of the above in reverse? I remember vividly standing on the end of the dock - looking across the lake and thinking how the WHOLE summer loomed ahead of us! That was 5 months ago *sigh*
There was a day when we spent more time at the lake than not during the average summer. First hubby was a teacher and I was a stay at home mom. We were truly blessed. I'm so glad we bought the place when we did - he had 4 wonderful summers there before he died.
Fast forward to hubby number two. He's self employed and the summers are his busiest times. Add building a house onto that and what do you have left? Four...maybe five quick trips to the lake if we're lucky. Although we did splurge and spend a whole week in July (!)
Next summer (God willing) will be better. The house will be done. Our lives (again...God willing) will be less hectic. I plan on spending much more time there. Even if I have to drag him. Or go alone (which I've been known to do.)
But for right now - I'm heading down to say goodbye. As always, just before I leave I'll pop my head back in the door (Mary Tyler Moore style...which means nothing if you never saw the last episode...) and whisper goodbye to the memories we made - this summer 0f 2008. I'll walk around the lakefront real quick and take in the view. And then I'll walk to the end of the dock and toss the obligatory rock into the lake that always heralds the end of the season. My middle daughter started this tradition years ago. Recently we started finding a pretty little rock and letting it rest on the railing of the deck all summer in order to "absorb" the memories. That's the one that will find its niche in the bottom of Lake Demmon tomorrow. With all the others. (I know - we're a really hoplessly, sappy, sentimental lot.)
Hopefully Sunday, I'll have time to catch up on blogs. Until then - enjoy the weekend!