Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thank You My Wonderful Blog Buddies!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! All of your warm thoughts and promises to pray were so touching (some even from people I've never "met" yet) meant more to me than you could ever know!

Bridgette is hanging in there. She's a strong girl and has a positive attitude. Even though her prognosis is very serious, we're hoping for the best. Thankfully the chemo has not made her as sick as they thought it would (yet) so we're counting that as a blessing.

I had the dreaded colonoscopy Monday. Wasn't able to eat for 35 hours and actually learned that I can live (gasp) without food and not go berserk. The prep part was not so much fun. The stuff I had to drink was the worst and by the end of the 2 hours (I had to drink 8 oz every 15 minutes) I was gagging it down.

I got to the Doctor's at 2:30 and she was "behind" schedule (pardon the pun) so I sat there apprehensively until 4:45 waiting for my turn. When I was finally admitted they started an IV and assured me that I would be in la-la land though out the whole procedure. They said most people fall asleep but for those that don't - there is an amnesiac effect from the drug that causes them not to remember a thing. Yeah right.

I was awake the whole time and pretty much remember everything. I watched my colon on a TV screen and though I wasn't all nervous...there were two times that I yelled out "Ouch". I think they looked at my height (I'm only 5'4") and not my weight when they determined the amount of drug they'd give me.

I'm not trying to scare anyone from having the procedure. I wouldn't be afraid to do it again...but I sure wish I'd slept through out it like they said I would! Thankfully everything was fine and I don't need another one for a long time! (I was really worried because my younger sister had a malignant polyp removed 2 years ago and my even younger sister had several pre-cancerous ones removed also.) I didn't have any. Guess I got the good colon. (Both sisters are fine by the way...)

But if you're at that age where you should have colonoscopy - do it. Colon cancer is a silent killer and so very preventable! (I'd rather have a colonoscopy than go to the dentist if that makes you feel better....and I haven't had a cavity in 24 years...)

Youngest daughter is coming in from Massachusetts Thursday and we're having a "girls night" here Friday with my sisters, daughters and nieces. I tried to find something for hubby to do that night but couldn't so he'll be here too. Should be interesting.

Right now I need to get the house cleaned (and pray hubby keeps it that way while I'm gone from today till Friday at my overnight job.)

Thanks again - to ALL of you for your kind comments regarding Bridget. You guys are the best!


Mike Golch said...

I hate the prep part as well,but I need to have it done as well the last 2 they found polups.Thankfully they were benign.

grammy said...

Glad you are all done with the 'procedure'. To bad you didn't have a nice nap. I was out I guess. Usually I need extra pain meds, because they don't seem to work for I am glad I did sleep. Have a great girls night. To bad you can't send hubby off some where. (o: Glad to her the little girl ( forgot her name...will look back for it so I can put her in a note as a reminder to pray. I usually put names on my mirror. Have a great weekend. I will be at a Women's retreat in the mountains.

Honib1 said...

well i have had an edoscopy not a colonoscopy yet.. but I have dealt with my husband on more than one occassion when he has had to have it done.. no fun the prep.. glad its over and all is well.. and sending good wishes your way for Bridgette..

RunningNan said...

I'm all for having done what needs to be done. I don't care! I don't think the colonoscopy would be as bad as people make it out to be. I think they do that because who want's to be the person that enjoyed things being shoved.. well... you get the idea!

I'm still always sending good thoughts your way. We will help you all get through this!

MaryFran said...

My husband slept through his last colonoscopy, but his first one he woke up halfway through and remembers seeing the screen and hearing them talk.

REgardless..I'm so glad that you got a clean (haa haa pun intended, but I guess you were cleaned out) bill of colon health!

I'm following Bridget's caringbridge site and keeping her in my prayers!

Hanlie said...

I've heard all about that mixture! I don't think I'm at an age where I need a colonoscopy yet.

Big Girl said...

Glad your colonoscopy results came back good and nice you don't have to have another one for a while.

I keep thinking of Bridgett and can't get her out of my mind. It is the thing I fear most, my child getting really sick. I continue to pray for her and your family.

JC said...

So glad you got a good report. I'm keeping Bridgette and her family in my prays. Thanks for the update.

TitanThirteen said...

Oh lovely! lol
I don't see you so much anymore. Miss ya :o)