Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Well, it's here. 2009. We ushered it in last night, very low key. Oldest daughter was at a party. Youngest is back in Massachusetts. Middle daughter went to a movie with her hubby and managed to make it here at 11:57. We poured 4 quick glasses of champagne in the tall fancy glasses that used to be my mom's and gathered round the TV to watch the ball drop. I can't stand champagne. I never make it through the glass.

A few minutes after midnight, sis and her crew filed in. We toasted again and after fielding phone calls from my other 2 siblings and the daughter in Massachusetts, we gathered in the living room for cheesecake and talk. It was nice. Quiet - but nice.

At my brother's house there were hats and streamers and blowing horns. A lot different than here. Part of me wished I was there. The other part is thankful this morning because I actually woke up feeling alert and refreshed. I'm sure they were up till the sun came up!

I'm scanning the horizons of this new year for possibilities. I think this will be a big year of change for me. I'm hoping that in spite of the tough economy, I land a solid job. I'm hoping it's teaching....but trusting God that whatever He provides will be what's best for me.

We will move into the new house this year. (How long have I been saying that?) But things are finally getting done over there and come spring - I will no longer live here - my home for the past 15 years.

I will turn 52 mid year. Holy cow!

I could sit here all morning, sipping my hazelnut coffee and muse about the possibilities. But I said I wasn't going to procrastinate this year! While hubbie's at work (yes, the man works incessantly....he's self-employed and this is snow season and people want their snow blowers - New Year's Day or not) I'm going to start working on my graduate thesis.

I don't mind the research part so much, or the writing part. But I can't think of a topic and that has me going in circles! I have to come up with some sort of a hypothesis regarding education and the arts, do some research and prove my point. Any suggestions out there?

Seriously - I'm stumped! I'll take any and all suggestions. Please?

Happy New Year blog buddies! May 2009 bring you all the best life has to offer!


Anonymous said...

There is the perhaps over- done but still valid argument about the improved brain development of those that study the arts...
A subject near and dear to my heart!

And Happy New Year! I am feeling optimistic- probably because a little bit of John Piper in the wee hours gave me the spiritual kick in the bum that I've needed for a loooooong time.

grammy said...

Hmmmm, To bad I don't have any great ideas for you. Maybe something about how blogs and texting tie into Happy New Year to you. Are you still subbing? Is it elementary or high School? My son is going to Kansas (where he use to be a volunteer deputy sheriff) to test for them. I am glad he is still trying and not giving up.

Manuela said...

Happy New Year!

Ah, topics for a thesis--funny how sometimes that is harder than actually doing the research! I think I wouls start with what interests me most then go from there. What about art and children with LD's? Or even physical restrictions?

Good luck and I hope to hear your choice when you make one.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years and we bought it in nice and quiet too

JC said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! What is your end result with your education? What do you plan to do? When I was working on my Master's the university I attend was geared toward k-12 education but my interest was higher education administration so I got permission to reseach the affects of governmental financial aid programs on college admissions. Sounds stupid now but I got the degree. Whatever topic you decide make sure it appeals to you.

Anonymous said...

love you r idea of the page!
Im gonna do that as well...left you a message in the comments but incase youre not back...